Directory for and Sans-Uteri



Membership Information


Instructions to Join Sans-Uteri Members Only Blog


Fee Structure for Sans-Uteri Blog Participation


Membership Changes


What is Sans-Uteri Blog?


Frequently Asked Questions


Introduction Page

Founder and List Managers Information

bullet Founder's Message
bullet Managers' Message
bullet Managers' Bio and CV


Suggestions and Surgical Experiences

bullet Pre & Post Surgical Suggestions
bullet Problems Caused by Surgery
bullet Common Physician Responses to Symptoms
bullet Positive Surgical Experiences
bullet Member's Letter to: Dear Dr. God
bullet Member's Creative Writings Submissions
bullet Founder's Journal Entry
bullet Caregiver's Experience of Caring for Founder after Surgery


Hormone Information

bullet Premarin
bullet Hormone Replacement Therapy
bullet Locate a Compounding Pharmacy



Recommended Reading

bullet Books:  Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy
bullet Books:  Fibroids and Endometriosis
bullet Books:  Premenopause and Menopause
bullet Books:  Hormone Replacement Therapy
bullet Books:  Women's General Health
bullet Glossary:  Hysterectomy and Health Related Terms

Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy Studies by Site Managers

bullet The Effect of Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy on Women's Sexual Function: A Meta-Analysis by Marcus Plourde, Ph.D.
bullet The Impact of Hysterectomy Versus Oophorohysterectomy by Elizabeth Plourde, Ph.D., C.L.S.

Book Reviews and Recommended Reading by Sans-Uteri Members

bullet Book Review:  Your Guide to Hysterectomy, Ovary Removal, & Hormone Replacement by Elizabeth Plourde, Ph.D., C.L.S.
bullet Book Review:  Hysterectomy? The Best or Worst Thing that Ever Happen to Me? by Elizabeth Plourde, Ph.D., C.L.S.
bullet Book Review:  Misinformed Consent by Lise Cloutier-Steele
bullet Book Review:  Screaming to be Heard by Elizabeth Vliet, M.D.
bullet Book Review:  Female and Forgetful by Elise Lottor, Ph.D., N.D. and Nancy Bruning
bullet Book Review:  Heart Sense for Women by Stephen Sinatra, M.D., et al.
bullet Book Review:  The Sinatra Solution by Stephen Sinatra, M.D.

Helpful Organizations, Resources, and Pharmacies

bullet Founder's Notes from HERS Conference
bullet Helpful Organizations
bullet Helpful Resources
bullet Locate a Compounding Pharmacy


This page was last updated October 14, 2011
and is located at


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Medical disclaimer:  

Always seek the advice and supervision of a health care professional when considering any information found on the Internet.  The information contained on this website cannot take the place of personalized medical advice and treatment from a qualified physician.  The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to her or his health, particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or treatment.


Website disclaimer:

Sans-Uteri Hysterectomy Forum, founded by Beth Tiner October 24, 1996, has been under the leadership of Drs. Elizabeth and Marcus Plourde since October 25, 2005.


Copyright notice:

The material on this PRIVATE list & website is copyrighted. information and listserv entries may not be reproduced, forwarded, or quoted from without written permission from the List Managers.

© Copyright 1996-2011 / New Voice for Health